Anticholinergic Medications

An anticholinergic agent is a substance that blocks the  neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the central and the peripheral nervous system. 

It reduces spasms of  smooth muscles (for example, muscles in the bladder).

Side effects of  anticholinergic medications include dry mouth and related dental problems, blurred vision, tendency toward overheating (hyperpyrexia), and in some cases, dementia-like symptoms. These medicines are known to cause confusion, memory loss, worsening of mental function, and other cognitive effects in the elderly.

Please discuss your medications concerns with your doctor.

Do not start or  stop taking any medications without consulting your doctor.


Antihistamines, Allergy, Cough & Cold Medicines


Bladder Antispasmodics

Motion Sickness, Dizziness & Nausea

Movement Disorders

Muscle Spasms & Pain-Muscle Relaxants

Stomach & GI Tract – Ulcer & Reflux

Stomach & GI Tract GI Antispasmodics

Seizures & Mood Disorders

Insomnia & Sleep


Asthma & COPD

Tricyclic Antidepressants

DISCLAIMERS This information is intended to start a dialog of the effects of medications for those with dementia.

There is more information on medications on our Helpful Links page.

However, it is not a complete list of side effects, or interactions. This is intended to be used independently with the directions of a physician who knows the person well.

Dr Liz Geriatrics cannot be responsible for any outcomes of these medications that have not been evaluated by myself or one of my clinicians.

We present this summary to give practitioners and the public some information about medications that have been important in the care of our patients. In this challenging area of medical care, we hope that it is of use.

IMPORTANT! This information is meant to be used only for general information, in accordance with current medical information and the practice experience of this geriatrician and should never be used alone, outside of the medical advice of one’s personal physician.